Title Start Date End Date Room Category Type
Large Physics Models and EuCAIF: AI as a New Scientific Instrument 40/S2-A01 EP-IT Data Science Seminars Lecture
Latest results from the KATRIN experiment 500/1-001 EP Seminar Lecture
The Lund Jet Plane in PbPb Collisions and Other Applications with CMS 503/1-001 LHC Seminar Lecture
Real-time heterogeneous event reconstruction with GPUs at CMS and LHCb during LHC Run-3 EP Software Seminar Lecture
ATLAS LHC Seminar Lecture
LHCb LHC Seminar Lecture
CMS LHC Seminar Lecture
ATLAS LHC Seminar Lecture
ALICE LHC Seminar Lecture
ALICE LHC Seminar Lecture
CMS LHC Seminar Lecture
LHCb LHC Seminar Lecture
LHCb seminar LHC Seminar Lecture
CMS seminar LHC Seminar Lecture
Probing the Quark Gluon Plasma with anisotropic flow measurements in ALICE 222-R-001 LHC Seminar Lecture